

February 8th Diary

According to common sense, if you stay up all night the day before, you should rest early and then face the new day's work. But unexpectedly, this time I didn't rest for 48 hours straight.

However, my body won't take care of me just because I'm working today. I fell asleep at four o'clock and woke up at seven forty in the morning. I really don't have the energy to go to this crappy shift, so I can only spend my last day off today sleeping.

I just woke up, it's four o'clock in the afternoon, and it's finally sunny. The sunlight is coming through the curtain on one side, it's very warm. I have to say, it's so great to be able to rest like this, I can finally catch up on my favorite anime...

Let's pause the video, there's nothing I want to do, and recently there have been more content creators in this field. My initial goal has been achieved, and more people will understand the charm of AI.

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